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Livestock Guardian Dog Grant – 2024
Logo of Wild Haven Farm

Written by: George Sawyer

Published: 07 March 2024

Wild Haven Farm is excited to announce that we are opening applications for our Livestock Guardian Dog grant. In 2023, we received a generous gift from SmallFolk Farm in WI of a breeding pair of Great Pyrenees to be used as livestock guardian dogs here on the farm. We were overwhelmed by that generosity and committed to continue paying it forward. With each litter of whelps from our LGD (Inanna and Enlil), we will be granting one pup to a farm for use as a working LGD. Anyone interested in adopting pups from this litter without applying for the grant are also welcome to contact us. Preference for all adoptions will be given to working livestock farms.

The pups available are from a pair of unregistered Great Pyrenees (Inanna and Enlil) who are about a year old. The whelps were born on on 6 March and they are being nursed by Inanna. All appear to be in excellent health. Two from the litter did not make it past the first night but the demise is attributed to exposure to the cold before we arrived on the scene.

  • Applications will be accepted through 11:59 PM on 24 March 2024 Central time. (originally 17 March but we are extending the application window).
  • Applicants must submit the form below and complete all required fields.
  • The recipient must agree to use the dog as a working LGD and to care for the animal humanely.
  • Though not required, preference will be given on the following criteria:
    • The applicant works with livestock listed by the Livestock Conservancy (or have recovered).
    • The applicant is an emerging farmer or is in a group that is traditionally underrepresented in farming.
    • The applicant is a member of a farming organization (Farmers Union, SFA, LSP, etc.).
    • The applicant has, or is applying for, organic or animal welfare certifications.
    • The applicant is a member of Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.


The following terms apply:

  • Your pup should be ready for pickup by about 1 May 2024.
  • You must pick up your pup at Wild Haven Farm no later than 1 June 2024. We will not ship.
  • You are responsible for all expenses related to the care of your pup including spay/neuter, vaccinations, health checks, etc.
  • You agree to use the animal as a working livestock guardian dog.
  • You agree to care for the LGD humanely.

2024 Grant Applications Closed

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