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Doe – Miniature Silky Myotonic/Fainter

Meet Bailey

Gypsy Sky Ranch Bailey was born 14 February 2021 and came to Wild Haven Farm in December of 2021. She had her first kids on 13 February 2024. Her delivery was complicated but all four kids have thrived as bottle fed babies.

Baily is a sweet doe and is affectionate towards people. She shows strong myotonic characteristics and has some silky characteristics.

If you are interested in this or any of our goats, please use the form below to start the conversation. If you are a first-time goat caretaker, we will work with you throughout your journey. We are committed to supporting our goats and their caretakers for life.
We reserve the right to refuse sale if we feel it would not be in the best interest of the animal. We do sell “sight unseen” and a farm visit will be required before final purchase.
No Deposit is required to arrange a visit.

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Fast Facts

  • Date of Birth: 14 February 2021
  • Sire: Cedar Creeks Titan MGR-D0361
  • Dam: Gypsy Sky Ranch Raven Frost P-25271-H (Premium)
  • Registered: International Fainting Goat Association (IFGA) CP-25741-H
  • IFGA Classification: Certified Premium
  • Myotonia Stiffness Scale: 5 – Animal walks relatively normally, although somewhat stiff in rear and with a swivel at the hip. Readily stiffens when startled or stepping over a barrier.

Baily’s Offspring

Baby goat


Adopt Chad

Baby goat looking at camera


Adopt Rosie

Baby goat tucked into overalls


Adopt Skip

Baby goat


Adopt Sven






Sire: Cedar Creeks Titan

  • Registry: MGR-0361
  • Sire: Cedar Creeks Ron Rico (MGR-8619)
  • Dam: Cedar Creeks Misty (MGR-B4671)

Dam: Gypsy Sky Ranch Raven Frost

  • Registry: P-25271-H
  • Classification: Premium
  • Sire: Triple A Acres Easy Rider (CP-87462-D) Certified Premium)
  • Dam: Barnyard Buddies Funny Face (CP-87401-H) Certified Premium


Learn a little more about Baily
What is Certified Premium?
Baily is classified by IFGA as Certified Premium. This simply means that she readily falls and that the photographic evidence was provided to the registry.
Will Baily produce more kids?
Baily had a complicated delivery and we do not recommend breeding her again. We suggest retirement to a home where she can be a companion animal.
Is Baily available for adoption?
Yes, Baily is available for adoption to the right home. She is very easy to manage and would do very well around children and on homesteads with smaller herds.

If you are interested in Baily please complete the form above or contact us to begin the discussion.

Does Baily Faint?
Baily is at about a 5 on the Myotonia Stiffness Scale. This is a good rating indicating she stiffens readily and may fall over on occasion.

If you are new to Myotonic/Fainting goats please keep in mind that they do not always just fall over as in the social media videos you may have seen. Stiffening is the most common characteristic and falling over can occur. We try to convey the scale rating for all of our goats so adopters have a realistic sense of how each goat will respond.

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