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The San Clemente Island Herd

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Our San Clemente Island Herd

San Clemente Island goats are a rare breed of goat with a story worthy of a Hollywood movie. They are listed in a critical status by the Livestock Conservancy. San Clemente’s are strickingly beautiful goats that remind people of deer or gazelles. They have demonstrated great potential for commercial use and their self-sufficiency, and genetic strengths make it urgent that the breed be restored and promoted.

The Bucks

Bud, a 2 year-old San Clemente Island buck looking at the camera.


Rolling Pastures Farm Bud is Wild Haven Farm’s senior San Clemente Island buck and was born in February 2022.

Mike, a San Clemente Island buck looking at the camera.


Rolling Pastures Farm Mike was born in February 2023 and is the brother of Bud.



The Does



















San Clemente Island FAQ

The San Clemente Island breed has a facinating history and an exciting future. Have a question not answered here? Contact us!

Are they really endangered?

The San Clemenete Island goats were reduced to a very dangerous number but have begun to get more attention. While the critical status suggests a population of under 500 globally, some breeder believe the numbers may be getting near 2000. However, the breed population is still so small as to make every goat precious.

Are San Clemente Island goats for sale?

Wild Haven Farm is focused on herd building and we don’t expect to have San Clemente Island goats available for a while.

Do San Clemente Island goats make good pets?

San Clemente Island goats are still relatively feral and can be skittish. They are able to jump like a deer and climb ladders. It takes some time for them to acclimate and trust. Each generation becomes more domesticated and easier to manage. We do not recomend San Clemente Island goats for new goat owners. However, in time we expect San Clemente Island goats will make excellent small farm livestock.

What are SCI goats good for?

San Clemente Island (SCI) goats have demonstrated great potential for high-quality milk and are known for good meat. They are being sucessully used for mowing operations and have excellent cashmere. Apart from their commercial value, their unique genetics are priceless.

Are SCI goats registered?

Wild Haven Farm is a member of San Clemente Island Goat Breeders Association (SCIGBA). All of our goats can be registered.

Do goats need to be registered?

No, registration is optional. Most pet owners and hoby farm goat owners would probably have no need to register their goats. As a breeder, Wild Haven Farm registers our goats to keep a record of their pedigree so that you know that goats obtained from us are of the best lineage. Goats coming from Wild Haven Farm will have a special Scapies ear tag. This tag is different from any registration and cannot be removed. Scrapies tags are an important tool for protecting the health of goats worldwide.

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