What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)?

What is a CSA?

CSA at Wild Haven Farm


The following questions just scratch the surface of what you may want to know. Don’t see your question below? Just reach out.
Is goat meat available?
Right now, we do not have meat goats. Our focus with goats is on species preservation. We occasionally sell live goats for breeding purposes and to help populate homesteads. Rarely, we have a goat that needs to be culled that isn’t suited to being adopted to another homestead. Normally, these go into our own freezer. We do have a waitlist and will call down the list when extra goats are available.
Wild Haven Farm does not do custom butchering on the farm (state laws). However, we have worked with local butchers who can process for you.
How much is an egg CSA?
Our prices are posted on our shop page.
Can I cancel my CSA?
Our egg CSA runs on a simple monthly subscription and can be canceled anytime. We certainly understand things change so we won’t take offence. However, please let us know why you are canceling. We can’t improve if we don’t get feedback.
For CSAs which require a deposit (e.g. broiler chickens), deposits are non-refundable.
Can items be returned?
Please see our return/refund policy. The short answer is: we want to make this right for you. If something went wrong give us a call and let’s figure it out.
What are my risks?
With anything there is risk, farming, perhaps more so. In the prvailing capitalistic model of farming the farmer assumes all risk. They finance the land, equiment, seed/livestock, and time. If there is a drought or avian flu, the farm may loose everything for that year. People I talk too outside the farming community often point to government crop insurance. However, this isn’t available to small food farmers (“specialty crops” as the government calls food). Crop insurance is typically only available to bio fuel crops, large commodity crop producers, and large dairy. These are almost never the farmers who use a CSA model to partner with their community.
Your risk as a member of a farming CSA is real. At Wild Haven Farm, an avian flu outbreak could completely wipe out the flocks for the coming year. The government offers us no insurance for that. So what would happen to you? Your risk is that you would need to go to the store and buy eggs off the shelf. We ask very minimal up-front deposits and short subscription windows to help limit your risk. In most cases, we can offer credit for shortages (e.g. short supplies of eggs in deep Winter).
There are no guarentees in farming so we can make few as the farmer. All we can do is try to take every reasonable step to protect your food supply and do right by you, our members.
Do I have to volunteer on the farm?
No, but you are always welcome here! Traditional models of CSA often required members work a certain number of hours on the farm. Many CSAs, including ours, have gotten away from the sweat equity aspect. However, as a member we always welcome you on the farm anytime. Just to tour or to lend a hand, the farm is an amazing place to spend an hour or a whole day.
We hold several events through the year where you can come help out in very tangible ways. Our annual tree planting in the Spring and poultry processing in late Summer are great examples. Watch our social media or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed of upcoming opportunities.