The Nigerian Dwarves
The Wild Haven Nigerian Dwarf Herd
Nigerian Dwarf goats are known for their milk quality. We currently have a relatively small dairy herd and we are not currently milking. Milk production is not scheduled to start until 2023.
Nigerian Dwarves are an unusually hardy breed able to withstand MN weather.
The Nigerian Dwarf breed was on the Livestock Conservancy Priority List until 2013. The breed is registered through the American Dairy Goat Association.
Our Herd
Jax Farms Marika (aka Mindy) is a registered purebred Nigerian Dwarf (D1719932) born in 2015.
Meet Mindy

Eddie is our Nigerian Dwarf wether (castrated male). He serves as our companion for the goats and has shown a great propensity to nurture the bucklings. Eddie is unregistered.
Bucky is our unregistered Nigerian Dwarf buck.
Goat Haven Acres Skye is a registered purebred Nigerian Dwarf (PD2069499) born in 2020. She is a shy, sweet doe with beautiful buckskin colouring.
Meet Skye
Susanna is a Nigerian Dwarf doe with a beautiful white coat with fawn spots. She can be skittish and is full of spunk. At two years old she is small for her age.
The Kids

Ted is our Nigerian Dwarf buckling born in January 2021 on the coldest day of the year (22 below F). He is unregisterable but will make a fantastic companion. His curiosity and adventurousness make him endlessly entertaining.
This one is yet to be born. Stay tuned.
This one is yet to be born. Stay tuned.
Nigerian Dwarf FAQ

The Nigerian Dwarves have a short but proud history. Have a question not answered here? Contact us!
Are bucks aggressive?
No. Male goats actually tend to be very friendly and desirous of attention. They are very much like dogs. During the mating season they will be extremely boistrous (and frankly obnoxious) but will not intentionally try to hurt people. Like any horned animal, they can accidently bruise you with their horns but it is not intentional.
Do you have goat milk or cheese?
We are not currently milking and will not begin until 2023. Once we have sufficient production levels we will announce availability of any dairy products.
Can goats be kept as pets?
Absolutely! Check with your local ordinances. Females or neutered males (wethers) are usually preferred as pets because they are more docile and lack some of the odd characteristics of the male. Goats have been domesticated for over 10,000 years and bond very well with humans. They are very much like a dog in the way they communicate. Keeping goats is a little different than a dog with different needs for fencing, food, and companionship. Goats are herd animals and should always be kept with at least one other goat.
Can you keep different goat breeds together?
Yes, goats of all breeds get along just fine. If you are starting with goats, pay close attention to the social interactions of your goats, especially at first. Goats have a packing order and will fight (both sexes) to establish dominance. They usually won’t do much harm but it can lead to some bloody scalps. Once they settle the dominance matter, the head butting turns to fun and you can watch them wag their tails while they play fight.
Do you disbud (de-horn)?
Disbudding (or removing the horns) is a decision each breeder or goat owner needs to make. There are advantages and disadvantages of both. We don’t make any judgements.
We chose not to disbud because we happened to have aquired mostly horned goats at first. Disbudded goats put in with horned goats are at a bit of a disadvantage. We felt that we could more easily manage horned goats (the horns make great handles) and the horns were a minimal risk on our farm.
If you wish to purchase a goat from us that is disbudded, please contact us before kidding begins. There is a very short window (first few days) during which disbudding should be done. We work with our vet who does the disbudding using an anestetic to minimize any potential trauma. If you want your kid disbudded we are happy to make the arrangements and manage that for you. Once the safe window passes, however, we will not disbud the animal.
Do you castrate (wether) the male kids?
If you are purchasing a male goat from us it can be wethered (castrated). Wethering tends to make the animal more docile and eliminates behaviors some find offensive (such as beard peeing). There is a specific period during which it is safe to castrate and we work with our vet on the proceedure.
You must let us know well in advance if you want your goat wethered so that we can arrange for that proceedure. Please let us know if you have any questions.